Church Services & Events
Thursdays at 11.30AM
followed by a light lunch
We are a small worshiping fellowship, in the congregational tradition, with a big heart and a big building, we have developed over 18 years to provide short term christian based accommodation and mini conference centre.
We facilitate a variety of Christian organisations such as ‘CFXtra, ICF, Hope U.K, X.L.P and Inner Change global missionary group’ who work and serve Tower Hamlets. We also have links to and promote Inter Faith conferences and meetings. Our clients include primary school students on exchange trips alongside student groups from Germany, Sweden and the local university. We also are visited by some schools with special needs and disabilities. We are also used regulary by the local community.

Ten 'til Two Club
Every Tuesday from 10am-2pm
All local residents welcome to join us for conversation, arts and crafts, table tennis and more – an opportunity to meet your neighbours
Arts & Crafts
Thursday 1pm -3pm
Visit our Garden
Our beautiful garden is open to the public Mondays and Thursdays 11am – 3pm, from Spring to Autumn.
Open to residents at all times